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You searched for: marketing failure

Click on a cartoon for a larger view and find out how to order for your projects.
  • Yawning bored kindull Kindle reading tech parody only uploaded with boring books.
  • Man is flicked in the nose by a hand coming out of his computer screen.
  • While the wiener mobile is a marketing success, the haggis mobile was a marketing failure.

  • Scratchy toilet paper with pulp is a marketing failure.
  • Shower blinds were a marketing failure because they caused floods in the bathroom.
  • Stove Bottom Stuffing parodies Stove Top Stuffing.
  • The Charlie Brown Hazmat Suit is full of holes.
  • Anteaters open a lobster restaurant and no one comes.
  • A theme park closes because no one liked the grim reaper theme.
  • Another marketing failure: Turkey Yogurt.
  • Yet another marketing failure: an ice shower.

You searched for: marketing failure